Do You Follow A Specific Diet To Help With AIHA?
I eat a really carefully controlled keto diet that is the only way I've found to boost my energy and get enough iron and other nutrients. I don't mean the faddy keto rubbish, I mean reducing carbs and ditching sugar in favour of maxing out with iron, vitamins and minerals. It hasn't helped my hb or iron or feratin levels to stop depleating but it has helped me metabolise energy better so that I feel better in between the down spikes.
I was fine until the cold weather started and I caught a heavy cold. My last reading showed improvement although my thyroxine levels have dropped so more blood tests and I continue to take folic acid and eating sensibly
did you see the improvements on your blood tests for AIHA after taking all these supplements?
I just try to eat healthy. Lot of salad in summer and more vegetables in colder weather. Iām trying to eat more fruits too now. Was never much of a fan fruit-wise before. I also take an omega 3 fish oil capsule daily
I eat a healthy balanced diet with limited sugars limited carbs
Which Blood Test Tells Us That It Is This AIHA?
My Question For The Team: Has Anyone Here Had Any Actual Experience As A Recipient Of Rituximab Intravenous Infusion?
What Experience Have Members Here Had With The Use Of Oral Prednisolone?